The Adam Jones Burger
If you are a follower of Adam Jones on social media sites such as twitter or Instagram, you’re well aware that Jones is a food enthusiast. He’s constantly posting “food porn” pictures and signs off on many of his posts with the hashtag #stayhungry. After this past off-season, I honestly expected Jones to show up to spring training carrying an extra 10 lbs or so. However, Jones is in great shape and appears ready to lead the Orioles to some more “Oriole’s Magic”.
Now comes the news that Jones has joined the likes of other great athletes (Ben Roethlisberger, Stephen Strasburg) who’ve had a burger named in their honor. The Abbey Burger Bistro in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Baltimore is now offering the Simply AJ10 burger. The Abbey Burger Bistro features an “enticing selection of flavors for any burger palate” and was named Maryland’s “Great Burger Joint” by USA Today.
Apparently, Jones is a frequent visitor and has used the “build your own” option on the menu to construct his own burger which is now offered to the public. The restaurant is donating $1 for each burger sold to Adam’s charity, which is a nice gesture. Of course that dollar is a small portion of the profits, the AJ10 burger costs a hefty $15.50. The burger does come with tater tots (love them) and nacho cheese…although I would substitute the nacho cheese with the crab dip and tots which sounds amazing.
As far as the burger itself and in the words of Adam Jones…it definitely looks like something I would “smash”. Kobe beef on an english muffin (nice) with pepper jack cheese, avocado, jalapenos, bacon, chili pepper mayo, lettuce and tomato. They must have an engineer in the kitchen to fit all that on an english muffin.
Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to try to cure the hunger pains I’ve developed while writing this post.
Cheers and Hail
Posted by fatpickle Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Categories: Orioles
Tags: adam jones, bad foods, food
The Bacon Explosion Effect
To my wife, her girlfriends, and my mom… it’s best for you all to skip this post and wait for the next one. Trust me.
After reviewing the recipe for the explosion, “TM” thought it should have some chopped up jalapenos added to the mixture. Being from Texas he enjoys the heat, and felt the jalapenos would “kick it up a notch.” OK, I’m in.
TM arrived to work on Monday morning carrying what appeared to be a 6 inch sub in aluminum foil. This mass of pig goes into your smoker or oven the size of a football, but comes out much smaller. Don’t be worried, there will be plenty for everyone! TM thought we should cut up the roll and have BLT sandwiches for lunch. No way, bacon and sausage are breakfast foods, cut me off a slice beeeaaatttcchhhh.
The first bite was heaven. The combination of the salty bacon and sausage with the sweetness of the BBQ sauce and the spiciness of the jalapenos formed an explosion of culinary heaven in my mouth. I proceeded to eat 3 slices for breakfast. Others who tried it in the AM were not as high on it as I was. The reviews were anywhere from disgusting to just OK. Others were waiting till later in the day to try it. At this point, other than a normal morning cincinnati traffic jam, I’m doing well. At 1pm it was time for lunch. The office wanted Taco Bell and I jumped on board with an order of 2 crispy tacos. A small order for sure from Taco Bell, but I wasn’t real hungry, and besides that, I had big plans for my taco. Yep, on my 2 tacos I had 2 slices of bacon explosion and fire sauce! No one else dared to try this, in fact no one else is even trying the bacon explosion at all. But my creation was awesome, and there’s some bacon explosion left for the ultimate BLT for dinner! Here is where the story takes a turn. I wish I could tell you that I fought the good fight, and the BLT’s were awesome, but I never made it. By dinner time I was sweating, shivering, had a terrible headache, and my boxer briefs were in the trash. The next 12-24 hours were rough to say the least. It would have been a good day to visit the doctor for a physical. The blood, urine, and stool sample would have been easy, I could have just handed over my underwear! With all that being said, never again for me and the explosion. However, if your a “man’s man,” you’ve got to try this thing once! Just don’t make any big plans for the following day. Cheers and Hail To my wife, her girlfriends, and my mom… it’s best for you all to skip this post and wait for the next one. Trust me.
Keep me in your thoughts. Cheers and Hail
The Bacon Explosion Effect
Fat Boy On A Diet…Don’t Even Try It
I can hear myself getting fatter.