RJ: Training Camp Day 30
Woke up this morning FeeliN really soar from last nights game. (8 tackles will do that to you) lol.. I went to the training room so they could follow up on my head situation. (everything is fine)
After that and the ice tub, I went and watched the film from last night. (harder on myself than anyone else) I have to remain critical to Continuously get better.
Came home and watched a movie in the Man Cave with Wifey and Dash.. We watched #Limitless..
#ShowtimeMovieCritics: 3 out of 4 #stars.. (Must see movie!! Makes you put yourself in the situation. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?)
After the movie we went to Baby’s R Us grabbed a few things for Dash then went out to eat. A place called “Sweet Water” It was recommended to us, and I recommend everyone tries it. The pork chops were delicious!! Came home setup Dash’s toys then relaxed for the night.
Family time always makes everything feel better.. Glad my family enjoys hangiN out w/ me as much as I with them.
HittiN the sheets early tonight. Gotta let my body do its recovery thing through the night so I’m ready to roll at practice in the morniN.
Goodnight… #DREAMINabout: “#DEFEAT” I may lose from time to time, but im NEVER defeated. ~$HOWTIME