Sheriff Cooley
(This post originally appeared at The Cooley Zone)
So while Chris may not think he’s great in front of the camera and may not have big aspirations for his one line in a movie, I would remind him that Karras got his start by grunting a line or two in Blazing Saddles. “Mongo straight, Mongo like candy.” In fact, if they ever remake Blazing Saddles, Chris should read for Mongo, he’d be awesome. And if that role led to a remake of Webster with CC in the dad’s role, well then that would be priceless.
So, now it’s time for you to get involved. Answer these 2 questions in the comment section.
If you could remake a movie, what roles would you put Chris in?
My picks: Mongo from Blazing Saddles, Irwin “Fletch” Fletcher, and Oger from Revenge of the Nerds.
If CC was a professional wrestler, what would you name him? (Capt. Chaos we all know)
My picks: Crouching Tiger Hidden Cooley, The Sharter (the finishing move is brutal,) The Leesburg Joker
We will review your comments for the best roles and names for the next 5 days. The winners will receive:
2nd place = 8 x10 autographed photo of Vladimir
3rd place = something signed by CC
Cheers and Hail