Since Facebook got established in the year 2004, not only has it acquired millions of active users, it has also acquired ample criticism over its privacy policies. The reason behind the criticism is simple: the site makes it possible for unknowing users to put their private information on their accounts. This is the reason why hackers are so largely drawn to the website. Generally speaking, finding out how to hack a Facebook account now very easy for even the most inexperienced online hackers. Even more importantly, along with your friends, even their friends are given the authority to check out your profile. This actually deems it essential for you to adopt hack prevention techniques to keep your account safe.
Unknown people are most likely Facebook account hackers
First of all, you shouldn't add any unknown people to your Facebook user profile. Although there is a fad over Facebook to create a really long list of friends, yet the majority of these individuals have little to no idea as to who is on their list. There is a good chance that some individuals on your friend's list are just phishing websites looking to gain access to your personal information. Never accept these kinds of friend requests for they may be sent by online hackers keen on being able to access your private information. So as to sure that you have not unintentionally added any unknown people to your list, ensure that you review occasionally. Update your web browser whenever new versions are available in order to keep the antivirus, spam prevention, along with other security features current. Any hacking prevention techniques that you make use of are likely to get a significant boost by doing this, and your Facebook account, along with all other applications that you use are going to stay safe. Upgrade and run anti-virus software on your computer system on a routine schedule. Accessing the internet makes your computer susceptible to the various online hackers around Running routine virus scans on your computer system will allow you to keep it safe and secure..
In order to prevent your Facebook account against online hackers, you should exercise intense caution You should never click any url's before verifying them, and links that you have reservations about must be ignored at all times. Visit and log in from there if you have doubts about any outside links for they might have been sent by hackers. There's also the basic fact that a strong password can help improve your hacking prevention strategies. Think of a complex password that utilizes alphabets, symbols as well as numbers. Likewise, read about the security features that Facebook has introduced by accessing its Help Center.
Logging in to your account from a public computer is extremely risky, so simply ask for a one-time password from Facebook if you have to. The password that Facebook will send to you is going to be valid for just 20 minutes, thereby preventing hackers from being able to replicate your original password. Login notifications will help you determine whether somebody else tried to access your account or not. It is additionally advised for you to make use of login approvals in this regard. A secure code is going to be delivered to your cell phone every time that a new device or computer is utilized to gain access to your account. You also need to ensure the utilization of secure browsing. This feature basically encrypts your information before posting it on the web. To assure that this particular feature is turned on, simply have a look at the web address in your address bar. In case it starts with 'https', rather than 'http', then secure browsing is turned on.
The measures outlined above will perform a significant role in trying to keep your Facebook account safe. But, it is still highly recommended that you bear in mind Facebook's privacy and security features..
Today Clinton Portis tweeted Chris Cooley the following message:

I remembered the video immediately, and how it was awesome on so many different levels. Watching it now it seems like it was yesterday, but so long ago at the same time. It’s been a half decade ago and Cooley and Portis have retired, well only Clinton officially. The Cooley Zone was one of the very best sports blogs on the Internet and I was both proud and lucky enough to be apart of it.
The Cooley Zone had some great posts that still hold up to this day, and if you search the site you’ll find pure blogging gold. Here’s a link to the highlights of 2008. Of course the only problem with blogging as an active athlete is how disgruntled fans and media can spin a video like this. If the Redskins win it’s laughs all around…if they lost then it was because Cooley & Portis don’t take their profession serious enough. I can promise you this, I’ve watched the Redskins for 30+ years and no players gave as much on the field as these two guys.
Thanks fellas for the memories on the field and for this 2 minute video, which is the best 2 minutes you’ll spend on the Internet (not including PornHub) today.
Cheers and Hail
ps. I miss your musk Vladimir
Posted by
admin Date:
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Chris Cooley, Clinton Portis, Tanner Cooley, youtubes

The Super Bowl is no longer just a game played for the Vince Lombardi trophy, it’s arguably the biggest entertainment event on the planet. The commercials may be paid more attention too than the actual plays on the field. The halftime show has been played by some of the biggest names in music during the past decade (Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones & Bruce Springsteen among others) and the National Anthem also brings out the best musical acts in the world. However, things were much different 30 years ago when the Redskins played in Super Bowl XVII.
Sgt. Callahan from Police Academy sang the National Anthem. Leslie Easterbrook is more well known for her rack than she is her singing voice. At the time, Police Academy hadn’t even come out yet…so a few Americans may’ve recognized her as the neighbor from Laverne & Shirley. We’ve got serious star power here! Easterbrook would go on to reprise her role as Callahan in all 7 Police Academy movies and appear in another 80′s comedy Private Resort. She may not have been an impressive opening act for a Super Bowl but she does have a place in my early teen spank bank.
The halftime entertainment was brought to you by the Los Angeles Super Drill Team. The drill team performed something called the “KaleidoSUPERscope”…no word on whether they had any wardrobe malfunctions. Not sure if the Los Angeles “Super Drill Team” was a bunch of road workers, work release prisoners or male porn stars.
The entertainment for the Redskins appearance in Super Bowl XLVIII will be announced later in the year.
Editors Note:
In honor of this post I’d like to give a shout out to Ken & Kevin from Hogs Haven. You can find them doing their podcast weekly from the Blue Oyster.
Cheers and Hail
Posted by
fatpickle Date:
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
police academy, Redskins, super bowl

Stallworth has a big fan in Shanny
For the first time in years the Redskins have the luxury of depth on their roster as they prepare for the 2013 season. The battle for roster spots will be intense and the Skins will have to let a couple of quality players go when the dust settles. Who will stay and who will go? Here’s a few predictions that I have on the offensive side of the ball.
Rex Grossman will make the team
Grossman didn’t appear in a game all last season (this is a good thing) and is no danger of beating out Kirk Cousins for the backup QB job. However, the Shanahans are comfortable with Grossman and may be his biggest fans. If Shanahan sticks to his plan to not play RG3 all of training camp, I believe he’ll want the security of Grossman on the roster heading into week 1. Of course, the Skins could cut Grossman and bring him back after week 1, so his contract isn’t guaranteed for the entire season. Either way, he’ll be on the team at least for the early part of the season and I believe the Skins will be willing to guarantee his contract at $950,000 and have him on the roster on opening day.
Evan Royster will be cut
Here’s the problem with Royster, his best chance to make the team is as a third down back and special teams player and he’s not good at either. He lacks big-play explosiveness and is a below average receiver and pass blocker. The writing was on the wall for him when the Redskins drafted Chris Thompson and Jawan Jamison. If either of those players play well in preseason and Roy Helu Jr. is healthy, Royster will be looking for a new team.
Donte Stallworth makes the team
This is the long shot of long shots and another player who’s a candidate to be cut before week 1 only to be brought back due to being vested veteran. However, this is another guy who has a big fan in Mike Shanahan. Stallworth played decent for the Skins in 2011 and Shanny wanted to bring him back last season but Stallworth signed with the Patriots. He’ll be competing with Devery Henderson and Dezmon Briscoe for the 6th WR spot…Aldrick Robinson definitely makes the team. I remember how well Stallworth played on special teams in 2011 and I believe that will be the difference. Briscoe didn’t dress for many games last season because he doesn’t play special teams and blew opportunies on offense when he did dress.
I also believe that if healthy Mo Hurt makes this team, his versatility on the O-line will force someone (not sure who) out.
Cheers and Hail
Posted by
fatpickle Date:
Sunday, July 28, 2013
chris thompson, devery henderson, dez briscoe, donte stallworth, evan royster, jawan jamison, mo hurt, rex grossman, Shanahan, training camp

If you are a follower of Adam Jones on social media sites such as twitter or Instagram, you’re well aware that Jones is a food enthusiast. He’s constantly posting “food porn” pictures and signs off on many of his posts with the hashtag #stayhungry. After this past off-season, I honestly expected Jones to show up to spring training carrying an extra 10 lbs or so. However, Jones is in great shape and appears ready to lead the Orioles to some more “Oriole’s Magic”.
Now comes the news that Jones has joined the likes of other great athletes (Ben Roethlisberger, Stephen Strasburg) who’ve had a burger named in their honor. The Abbey Burger Bistro in the Federal Hill neighborhood of Baltimore is now offering the Simply AJ10 burger. The Abbey Burger Bistro features an “enticing selection of flavors for any burger palate” and was named Maryland’s “Great Burger Joint” by USA Today.
Apparently, Jones is a frequent visitor and has used the “build your own” option on the menu to construct his own burger which is now offered to the public. The restaurant is donating $1 for each burger sold to Adam’s charity, which is a nice gesture. Of course that dollar is a small portion of the profits, the AJ10 burger costs a hefty $15.50. The burger does come with tater tots (love them) and nacho cheese…although I would substitute the nacho cheese with the crab dip and tots which sounds amazing.
As far as the burger itself and in the words of Adam Jones…it definitely looks like something I would “smash”. Kobe beef on an english muffin (nice) with pepper jack cheese, avocado, jalapenos, bacon, chili pepper mayo, lettuce and tomato. They must have an engineer in the kitchen to fit all that on an english muffin.
Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to try to cure the hunger pains I’ve developed while writing this post.
Cheers and Hail
Posted by
fatpickle Date:
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
adam jones, bad foods, food

I love this picture that ran in The DC Issue of ESPN The Magazine back in October 2012. Believe it or not, I’ve had this picture sitting on an end table beside my lazy-boy for nearly 6 months with the intention of posting the picture. Well, they don’t call it a lazy boy for nothing…my blogging has been sporadic at best over that time. Anyway, I digress.
I see that the picture was blogged about before over at the DC Sports Bog. The key to the picture was not posted on that site but I’m posting it here today. Of course, the fun to the picture is trying to name each of the 29 DC Sports Greats without cheating. So give that a shot before scrolling down to the bottom to find the answers.
The debate of the picture is to ask if this is indeed the 29 greatest DC has too offer? If we are talking greatest of all-time the answer is no. While Bryce Harper may earn a ticket on the boat in the future, one decent season shouldn’t get him on it today. Same goes for Stephen Strasburg. John Wall, really? Only 1 Georgetown Hoya is represented, only 3 Washington Capitals. Several Hall of Fame Washington Redskins are left off and Gilbert Arenas is one of the representatives for the Washington Bullets/Wizards…loved him but FAIL.
So who would you kick off the boat? Who would you replace them with?
Cheers and Hail

Editors note: Sometime over the last 6 months my 8 year old son decided to color in 5 athletes in the key. Not sure how he randomly chose the 5?
Posted by
fatpickle Date:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Redskins, Wizards
dc greates athletes

In this day in age when running backs are considered over the hill at 30, when salary caps restrict teams from signing core players/fan favorites (see Alexander, Lorenzo) it’s hard to imagine a team negotiating with a 36 year old running back with a bad back and 2 bad hips. However, that’s exactly what the Redskins did with future Hall of Fame Running Back John Riggins during training camp in 1985. The 17 day holdout would result in Riggins receiving the largest 1 year contract in the history on the NFL for a running back, $825,000…not exactly chump change 28 years ago. To recap…hold-out running back, 36 yrs old, bad back and hips…but wait there’s more!!!
Riggins was just 3 weeks removed from an arrest for being drunk-in-public in Reston, VA. The drunk-in-public charge came just a few months after the famous “loosen up, Sandy baby, you’re too tight” comment to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor at a black tie Congress dinner. Riggins quieted up after he blurted that comment…as he passed out under the dinner table. Now we’re dealing with a broken down running back with a drinking problem!!!
You have to admit that Riggins had a set of brass balls on him. While he had a nice season in 1984 (1,239 yds rushing & 14 TD’s), age and injury were clearly stacked against him. In addition, you had the drinking issues along with the fact that the Redskins had traded for George Rogers the previous off season. Rogers was just 27 years old and had accumulated 4,267 yards rushing in 4 seasons. Riggins held out while his chosen replacement was learning the offense.
In the end Riggins had the only ally he needed on his side, Head Coach Joe Gibbs. Gibbs was loyal to Riggins and convinced Jack Kent Cooke to open the checkbook one more time for the Diesel. The 1985 season would be Riggins last season in the NFL. Riggo played in 12 games, starting 11 and rushed for 677 yards and 8TD’s.
The full article that appeared in the August 26, 1985 issue of Sports Illustrated features many more nuggets including Riggins saying “I’ve been embarrassed and humiliated by the boners I’ve pulled”. Oh Riggo…you were one of a kind.
Cheers and Hail
Posted by
fatpickle Date:
Sunday, March 17, 2013